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To the Imperial College

Operatic Society Reunion website

So why a reunion?

In the late sixties/early seventies, and initially quite by mistake, a bunch of students from Imperial  College London, ably assisted by  others from the Royal College of Music and more London University colleges discovered that they could put on Gilbert and Sullivan operettas in Budleigh Salterton, Devon and get away with it. The”tour” eventually established itself for a period of 10-14 days in late July/early August  and continues in some form until today.

In September 2022 over 100 ex members of  the 1970s cast, orchestra and crew returned to Budleigh  for a  50 year reunion. This website is a record of their weekend

Memorabilia from the actual early shows (including recordings) is at 


Paul Leonard’s video record of the entire weekend is HERE